About RFL

Riding For Life commenced operating in April 2021. It was a passion fuelled idea after Tracey and Andrew test rode e-bikes. Andrew, having a passion for anything with two wheels since he could walk was "blown away" with the e-bike ride and instantly wanted more involvement with e-bikes. Riding For Life was born.

Andrew comments,

"Riding an e-bike gives many people that extra added freedom when compared to a traditional bike"

"The level of enjoyment is something that you have to experience yourself."

"When I first rode an e-bike I felt like a little kid who just got rid of the training wheels, the feeling is that good."

"It gives people the opportunity to ride and exercise without exhausting themselves."

"It gives people who thought they may not be able to ride anymore the chance again!"

"And maybe the most important aspect... it leaves you with a great big smile on your face."

Riding For Life currently supplies e-bikes, e-scooters and accessories, but Andrew is keeping a close eye on future designs as e-power mobility is only just beginning...

We are a proud member of the BIA (Bicycle Industries Australia)